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How much do you need to retire?
Most Americans simply don't save enough for retirement. Nearly half (45 percent) of working-age households don't have any retirement assets, according to the National Institute on Retirement Security. Of those working-age households close to retirement (age 55 and...
New job? Four choices for your existing 401(k)
Changing jobs and companies can be an exciting opportunity, but you have a choice to make. What will you do with the retirement savings you have accrued in your 401(k)? Consider these four choices: 1. Withdraw the money and don't reinvest it. This is usually the worst...
Single People Need Financial Planning, Too
Whether you are a lifelong single person or you found yourself single through divorce or the death of your spouse, you have your own financial considerations and complications. Unfortunately, many single people overlook financial planning. Don't make this costly...
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